If you see Sign in through society site in the sign in pane within a journal: If you do not have a society account or have forgotten your username or password, please contact your society. [22], Nilo-Saharan-speaking herder populations comprised a third group of the area's pre-Bantu expansion inhabitants.[23][24][25]. Some historians have referred to the expansion not as migration, but a process of colonization. The ideological underpinning of all of this was simply the Maoist principle of transforming Cambodia into rural and classless society, with a population consigned to labor on collectivized farms. No such policy was implemented in 1845, and as such, the famine has been described as artificial, and attributable to a deliberate policy of punishing a stubborn and difficult constituent territory of the Kingdom. fall into the classification of genocide. From Mr Bernard Fagg's layer 3 at Taruga, containing iron slag and Nok figurines. It was this policy in the end that is credited with saving Ireland from the worst possible consequences of crop failure. Cities were emptied out, and anyone conforming to this broad definition of the enemy was consigned to labor camps in the countryside. For example, in a number of languages the infinitival is the auxiliary designating the future. Again, you do realise hunter-gatherers (like the San and Pygmies and not the Khoi as they were/are pastoralists) tend to have smaller populations than agriculturalists. They generally lack case inflection, but grammatical gender is characteristic, with some languages having two dozen genders (noun classes). In other words, a ridiculous idea with no basis in rational thought was undertaken and executed with brilliant and systematic precision. A tell tale sign or mere speculations doesn't equate to proof. This resulted in an attempt to systematically eliminate the large Christian Armenian minority. It was only by the spurious acquisition and manipulation of treaties with native kings and rulers that most European powers took the title of Africa. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Bearing in mind, however, the likely ramifications of a civil war between Hindus and Muslims in India, it seemed, in the end, the only viable solution. They expanded and took the land which is exactly what they will do to Somalia soon if Somalis don't put a stop to it. 285.Google Scholar, 16 Mathew, Gervase, The East African coast until the coming of the Portuguese, in Oliver, R. and Mathew, G., History of East Africa I (Oxford, 1963), 96.Google Scholar, 17 This was an Iron Age Colonization; therefore it Cannot have been earlier in time than the spread of the Iron Age in Indonesia around the first century A.D.Google Scholar, 18 Freeman-Grenville, G. S. P., The East African Coast (1962), 15, etc.Google Scholar, 19 Guthrie, Malcolm, loc. India was, as the saying goes, the Jewel in the British Crown. The so called Bantu expansion or migration is highly suspect. Another stream of migration, having moved east by 3,000 years ago (1000BC), was creating a major new population center near the Great Lakes of East Africa, where a rich environment supported a dense population. Regarding (1), the chapter argues that the Bantu Expansion did involve the actual migration of Bantu speakers but that backward and forward migration occurred after the initial spread and that Bantu languages also expanded through adoption by autochthonous hunter-gatherers. No, it's not. As usual, the argument is one of semantics. Linguists, classifying the languages and creating a genealogical table of relationships, believed they could reconstruct material culture elements. There Shaka revealed something much more than a simple talent for war, something, in fact, akin to genius. In this campaign, the mighty Zulu nation made one last, desperate effort to throw off the colonial yoke. If you cannot sign in, please contact your librarian. But Pol Pot was not alone in perpetuating the horrors of his rule. This ideological aversion soon extended to ethnic Vietnamese, Chinese, Thais, Christians, Muslims and Buddhists, and indeed anyone at all perceived in any way to be an enemy of the revolution. The name associated with this phase of South East Asian history is Pol Pot, leader of the Khmer Rouge, a name that still resonates as the personification of evil. The Hutu are almost similar to the Tutsi who are also an ethnic majority in Rwanda. As heirs to the old Mughal Empire, traditional Muslim leaders enjoyed an influence not particularly congruent with their numbers. 277.Google Scholar, 20 Oliver, R., Discernible developments in the interior, c. 15001840, in R. Oliver and G. Mathew, History of East Africa, I (1963), 194204.Google Scholar, 21 The position in April 1965 was summarized by Dr Brian Fagan in an unpublished paper entitled Iron Age radiocarbon dates in sub-Saharan Africa, presented to the African History Seminar at the School of Oriental and African Studies.Google Scholar, 22 Fagan, Brian, Southern Africa, 949.Google Scholar. These communities also integrated and intermarried with the communities already present at the coast. The causes of the 1932-33 famine can be attributed to nothing more complicated than state interference in production. Other academic opinion tends to point to a typically dogmatic refusal on the part of the British government to acknowledge a failed policy. In this campaign, the mighty Zulu nation made one last, desperate effort to throw off the colonial yoke. [5], The expansion is believed to have taken place in at least two waves, between about 3,000 and 2,000 years ago (approximately 1,000 BC to AD 1). There is this historian by the name of Simon Webb and this he said that the Bantu Expansion was a genocide of multiple people in South Africa. Notes on some early pottery cultures in North Katanga, The spread of food production in sub-Saharan Africa. The origin or homeland of this process is generally believed to be near the border of Nigeria and Cameroon. Nope, it was the English colonizers who killed the Khoisan or San people. This authentication occurs automatically, and it is not possible to sign out of an IP authenticated account. followed by the recent Bantu expansion separating the two regions.One . The indigenous population of the territory comprised dispersed agricultural and pastoral communities belonging to the two major indigenous population groups in southern Africa. Probably in the minds of a few individuals who had the power to stop it, it was, but as a systematic government policy, perhaps not. Their spread was occasioned by a phenomenon known as the Bantu Migration, or Bantu Expansion, which began in the first millennium and concluded towards the end of the 18th century. [16] The majority of the groups of the Bamenda highlands (occupied for 2 millennia to date), somewhat south and contiguous with the Mambilla region, have an ancient history of descent from the north in the direction of the Mambilla region. An example of this was the Arab Revolt of the same period, which was facilitated and supported by TE Lawrence, the legendary Lawrence of Arabia. His Impis, or regiments, were relentless and unstoppable. Of course not. This monumental event has attracted significant debate and speculation that recent research has endeavored to resolve. For a year, the Ndwandwe licked their wounds. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Battle of One Tree Hill, Australian Frontier Wars, Australias smallest peacekeeping force in the unknown prelude to the Korean War. This resulted in an attempt to systematically eliminate the large Christian Armenian minority. This particular event, however, became embroiled in other social, political and economic issues, which is where historians tend to point the finger of blame at the British and accuse them of genocide. Unfortunately, it is also greatly understudied and often unknown to history enthusiasts. It remains a livid international issue, however, and one upon which Turkeys entry into the European Union has traditionally been hinged. Between 1.5 and 3 million Cambodians died, or were killed by the regime. The definition of genocide is fluid enough for it to be very easily claimed, and no less easily rejected. The military government solicited the aid of the United States, and a heavy-handed US response included a massive bombing during 1973, killing some 300,000 people. The migrants settled in three primary areas. As the genocide progressed, survival was determined simply by an individuals ability to do work on the collective farms. The departure of the British would naturally bring about democratic rule, and in a society where Hindus vastly outnumbered Muslims, universal suffrage meant Muslim marginalization. Much of this vocabulary is botanical, deals with honey collecting, or is otherwise specialised for the forest and is shared between western Batwa groups. The Germans found both of these races difficult to integrate into their colonial economy, simply because they were inimical to labor and were often nomadic in lifestyle. Also Read: Most Blood-Soaked African Battles and Conflicts. Same reason we don't call the Indo European migrations a genocide. You do not currently have access to this chapter. The Bantu Expansion is unique among ancient dispersals of peoples and languages due to its combination of high amplitude, rapid pace, and adaptation to multiple ecozones ().The spread of Bantu-speaking people from a homeland region on the border between Nigeria and Cameroon toward eastern and southern Africa starting ~4000 years ago had a momentous impact on the continent's linguistic . This is simply because it was about ideological killing on a major scale, and because it was accompanied by such cruelty and such wanton human suffering. Like hes a supposedly a historian but I see no mention of him going to a university. The early stages of migration were slow. Even then Bantus aren't native to Tanzania. In the 1840s, Ireland existed as part of Great Britain and Ireland, and as such, it was ruled directly from London by the British Government. However, attempts to trace the exact route of the expansion, to correlate it with archaeological evidence and genetic evidence, have not been conclusive; thus although the expansion is widely accepted as having taken place, many aspects of it remain in doubt or are highly contested. "useRatesEcommerce": false Other factors promoting state-formation were increased trade among African communities and with European and Arab traders on the coasts, technological innovations in economic activity, and new techniques in the political-spiritual ritualisation of royalty as the source of national strength and health. These states became the hubs of the continent, forming strong militaries, economic ties with local and international traders, and complex political structures. Over the next 500 years, Bantu-speakers moved eight times the previous distance (an average of 4000km). The Zulu style of warfare was based on finely tuned tactics, relentless discipline and brutal, close-quarters combat. The debate has never been so much the classification of the event as genocide, although that is, of course, debatable. No one need ever be reminded that the greatest and least disputed incidence of genocide in modern history was the systematic exterminations of Europes Jews by the Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler. Remaining in Africa, we now shift our attention to an episode of colonial genocide that deeply scarred the legacy of the German colonization of Africa. Such groups as Slavs, blacks, Roma, various Soviets, prisoners of war of different shades, homosexuals, Jehovahs Witnesses and political opponents were all treated much the same. For example, one study found this to be the case in Bantu language speakers who are African Pygmies or are in Mozambique,[27] while another population genetic study found this to be the case in the Bantu language-speaking Lemba of Southern Africa. The expansion reached South Africa, probably as early as AD 300.[7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14]. This further reinforced a popular anti-West, anti-US movement in Cambodia, on the back of which, in April 1975, Pol Pot led the Khmer Rouge to victory. The outlines of the fourth stage can be established very largely from traditional evidence. In the 1840s, Ireland existed as part of Great Britain and Ireland, and as such, it was ruled directly from London by the British Government. Replies claiming this is white supremacist to somehow study history are just ad hominem attacks mostly. The Mfecane. Some 6.5 million of those were Muslims migrating from India to Pakistan, and 4.7 million Hindus and Sikhs from Pakistan to India. Granted, there was defo some conflict between the Bantu and Hunter-Gatherers (as well Nilotic and Cushitic pastoralists) but that doesn't mean there was a genocide. However, this estimated expansion time could represent an underestimation and may simply show the expansion of a subset of the diversity within haplogroup R1b1* to west Central Africa through the Bantu expansion, having been shown to be especially frequent in northern Cameroon, near the putative Bantu expansion origin (Cruciani et al. the Herero and Namaqua Genocide). Over 14 million people were displaced along religious lines, and between 1-2 million people lost their lives. Irish Famine Memorial, Dublin Source: diktuo.org. On Tuesday, August 14, 1947, Pakistan was proclaimed independent from Britain, and a day later, India followed suit. The mother and child wandered in exile until taken in by a local paramount chief by the name of Dingiswayo. Under the rule of both Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin, numerous document examples of unnatural mass deaths have been recorded. affected amongst others the western part of the Congo . Cameroon, Gabon, Central African Republic), as a result of desertification of the Green Sahara in 7000 BC. The two tribes share a common ancestry or origin. In its simplest terms, the Herero, a Bantu people, in one of many internecine conflicts, required German protection and did not get it. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. He introduced concepts of warfare and weaponry revolutionary in his age, and upon the death of Dingiswayo, he assumed the paramountcy of what is today known as Zululand. Other unreliable ethnic groups, such as Greeks and Assyrians, were also sucked into the maelstrom, and are now subject to separate genocide classifications. That child, a boy, was given the name Shaka, a pejorative reference to an intestinal parasite. He says that Mali wasn't a civilisation in one video, yet in another video, he says that Mali was an empire. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. (Log in options will check for institutional or personal access. Congo, Gabon) between 2500 BC and 1200 BC.[18]. These were, and are the Bantu and the Koi-koi, or Khoisan. Linguistic, archeological and genetic evidence indicates that during the course of the Bantu expansion, "independent waves of migration of western African and East African Bantu-speakers into southern Africa occurred. Required fields are marked *. However, the US Ambassador to Constantinople, Henry Morgenthau Sr, was able to rouse the attention of the Woodrow Wilson administration, and an enormous amount of money and resource was eventually raised to help Armenian refugees affected by the crisis. In terms of sheer numbers, it is probably the Holodomor, also known as the Ukrainian Genocide of 1932-33, that racked up the greatest score. Total loading time: 0 Two such factoids are that (1) the Bantu Expansion would have been a single migratory macro-event and (2) it would have been driven by agriculture. The Khmer Rouge regime was characterized by extreme and indiscriminate brutality. By about 1200 CE, "Bantu-ness" was a cultural and technological network across the vast trunk of Africa. Most of these treaties implied imperial protection in exchange for land rights. They are the shortest group of Pygmies in Africa, averaging under 4 feet 6 inches (137 cm) in height, and are perhaps the most famous. As is often the case with hotly debated issues, certain factoids bearing little relation to factual evidence emerge. ), A survey of the ethnography of Africa: and the former racial and tribal migrations of that continent, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Speculations on the economic prehistory of Africa, Berceaux agricoles primaires sur le continent africain, Africa: Its Peoples and their Culture History, Studies in African Linguistic Classification, Some developments in the pre-history of the Bantu languages. By the end of the day the Ndwandwe force, although it still outnumbered Shaka's, was in full retreat. They believed that the expansion was caused by the development of agriculture, the making of ceramics, and the use of iron, which permitted new ecological zones to be exploited. The result was death and mayhem on truly epic proportions. Render date: 2023-03-04T14:32:22.407Z [32][33] By the first century BC, Bantu speaking communities in the great lakes region developed iron forging techniques that enabled them to produce carbon steel. The majority of sub-Saharan Africans speak one or more Bantu languages and modern African states are heavily affected by their Bantu-migrant predecessors. The death toll attributed to the Holodomor runs to between 7 million and 10 million, which dwarves anything we have looked at so far. It is for chronological data concerning the second and third stages that we can now turn hopefully to archaeology. Some societies use Oxford Academic personal accounts to provide access to their members. Select your institution from the list provided, which will take you to your institution's website to sign in. The name of the country was changed in 1976 to Democratic Kampuchea, and Pol Pot, or Brother Number One, declared the day of victory Year Zero as he set about building his Utopian republic. However, the Holocaust, although predominately targeting Jews, was also an expression of Nazi aversion to any group or individual not conforming to a narrow definition of Aryan purity. This paper outlines four stages of the Bantu expansion: first, the initial push through the equatorial forest from the northern to the southern woodlands; second, the occupation of the southern woodland belt from coast to coast; third, the colonization of the Tanzania, Kenya and southern Somali coastline and of the northern sector of the lake region; fourth, the colonization south-wards, north-westwards and north-eastwards from this extended nucleus. This was to ensure that all food produced in Ireland remained in Ireland, guaranteeing that everyone had enough to eat, even during the leanest times. It never happened. It was of limited practical use to them, bearing in mind that it almost entirely comprised desert, but it was essential in the cut and thrust of competition, in particular with the British, in the race for European global expansion. Needless to say, the matter is most keenly felt in the Ukraine, and on 13 January 2010, a Ukrainian court found Joseph Stalin, among numerous other Soviet officials of the period, posthumously guilty of genocide. The Ottoman Empire allied with the Central Powers during WWI, and, of course, the German defeat in that war brought the Ottoman Empire down with it. Almost immediately, as British officials handed over, Hindus in India began attacking and killing Muslims, and in Pakistan, vice versa. It was one of the first states in Africa and paved the way for the historic Kingdom of Great Zimbabwe. It reminds me of the whole claim that "slavery was practiced by Africans before the transatlantic slave trade", etc. The result was a mass slaughter as Muslims trapped in India sought to flee to Pakistan, and Hindus and Sikhs caught in Pakistan tried to make it across the border into India. Numerous similar crop failures, both in Ireland and elsewhere, had occurred at various times, but without the same catastrophic effect. Evidence suggests that they moved rapidly across the continent, south and east, sometime between 2000 BCE and 1000 CE. A lot less easy to explain is the national derangement that gripped one half of Cambodia, causing it to react with such violence towards the other. Yet there's no evidence for both migrations. The result was death and mayhem on truly epic proportions. Their settlement and development of the first powerful states in Africa is further proof of that dominance. Over 14 million people were displaced along religious lines, and between 1-2 million people lost their lives. Remaining in Africa, we now shift our attention to an episode of colonial genocide that deeply scarred the legacy of the German colonization of Africa. cit. In its simplest terms, the Herero, a Bantu people, in one of many internecine conflicts, required German protection and did not get it. Bantu Genocide View source Bantu peoples is used as a general label for the 300-600 ethnic groups in Africa who speak Bantu languages. Genocide obviously never sits well on the national conscience of any country, and so the finer points of definition are usually argued exhaustively. The rough chronology established on genealogical evidence has recently been confirmed by radiocarbon dates from Bigo, the earliest site identifiable in the dynastic tradition of the region. It was of limited practical use to them, bearing in mind that it almost entirely comprised desert, but it was essential in the cut and thrust of competition, in particular with the British, in the race for European global expansion. This was to ensure that all food produced in Ireland remained in Ireland, guaranteeing that everyone had enough to eat, even during the leanest times. Was the Great Irish Famine genocide? Numerous individual countries, however, twenty-nine in total, including forty-eight states within the United States, classify what took place as genocide. But Pol Pot was not alone in perpetuating the horrors of his rule. Another stream settled in the central areas of modern Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola, and Zambia, initiating a complete population replacement of the native African Pygmies who previously inhabited the area. From anti-Semitic pogroms to attacks against the Cossack minority, and numerous deportations and mass imprisonments, the history of the Soviet Union is replete with genocide. [30], It is clear that there were human populations in the region at the time of the expansion, and pygmies are their closest living relatives. In both these stages the Bantu expansion seems to have coincided fairly closely with the spread of the Iron Age; and, if the spread of the Iron Age through the area north of the southern woodlands can now be traced in something like the detail which we already have for Zambia and Rhodesia, the mystery of the Bantu expansion will have been largely unravelled. In Eastern and Southern Africa, Bantu speakers may have adopted livestock husbandry from other unrelated Cushitic-and Nilotic-speaking peoples they encountered. Published online by Cambridge University Press: Back on more familiar territory, the Armenian Genocide, also known as the Armenian Holocaust, has long been the subject of furious denial by the Turkish government. . Notable early kingdoms include the Kingdom of the Kongo in present day Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom in the Great Lakes region, the Kingdom of Mapungubwe (c.1075c.1220) in present day South Africa, and the Zambezi River, where the Monomatapa kings built the Great Zimbabwe complex. The institutional subscription may not cover the content that you are trying to access. The economic suffering of the German people that followed, and the rise of nationalism that this set in motion, created ideal circumstances for a merchant and banking class to attract the attention of a disposed population. Following successful sign in, you will be returned to Oxford Academic. 2002). Before the Bantu expansion, Khoisan-speaking peoples inhabited Southern Africa. The scope of the Armenian genocide is usually defined as the physical extermination of Armenian Christians living within the geographic boundaries of the Ottoman Empire, between 1915 and 1916. Early critics argued this phenomenon was a result of language spread rather than the migration of Bantu-speaking people, but genetic evidence has proved otherwise. What followed was an extreme Maoist, Marxist-Leninist movement in Cambodia, and an extreme, and inexplicable antipathy towards intellectuals and professionals. 1968. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0021853700006472, Get access to the full version of this content by using one of the access options below. [36][37][38], Between the 11th and 16th centuries, powerful Bantu-speaking states on a scale larger than local chiefdoms began to emerge. However, Simon Webb/History Debunked is a bad faith actor, he cherry picks a lot of his info and he's clearly spreading false history. fall into the classification of genocide. Between 1904 and 1907, up to 100,000 Herero and 10,000 Nama were killed, many in concentration camps, dying of disease and starvation. Tensions and violence increased after the Rwandan Genocide as 1.5 million Hutu refugees fled Rwanda. Genocide obviously never sits well on the national conscience of any country, and so the finer points of definition are usually argued exhaustively. Cities were emptied out, and anyone conforming to this broad definition of the enemy was consigned to labor camps in the countryside. Many centuries later, around AD 1000, some Eastern Cushitic speakers also settled in northern and coastal Kenya. During that bitter period of modern Irish history between 1845 and 1849 approximately 1 million people died, and a million more emigrated. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Hitler harnessed this anger and dissatisfaction and directed it at the Jews. In terms of sheer numbers, it is probably the Holodomor, also known as the Ukrainian Genocide of 1932-33, that racked up the greatest score. It has been proposed that this is the remnant of an independent western Batwa (Mbenga or "Baaka") language.[20]. The Bantu first originated around the Benue-Cross rivers area in southeastern Nigeria and spread over Africa to the Zambia area. The departure of the British would naturally bring about democratic rule, and in a society where Hindus vastly outnumbered Muslims, universal suffrage meant Muslim marginalization. . To date, Turkey remains in denial, and the word genocide is excluded from the official description of what took place. Factors that support claims of genocide include the confiscation not just of grain crops, that were needed to feed a growing industrial army, but also the confiscation of all foodstuffs, including livestock and domestic animals. In other words, most sub-Saharan Africans today are descended from Bantus, who are, historically, a genocidal conqueror race rather like the Yamnayas-Aryans of Eurasia.

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bantu expansion genocide